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Member Records: (719) 528-4747
Main Number: (719) 593-8840
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Event: Return to Rodeo Selection
SW376.70Wade Steffen 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1547.10Matt Reeves 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW394.10Nick Guy 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW280.00Tait Joseph Kvistad 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW137.10Trell Etbauer 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW810.00Gary Gilbert 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW10910.30Michael Bates Jr. 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4628.30Cimarron Thompson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3515.30Brady Buum 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1765.50Cody Harmon 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3069.40Levi Rudd 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1685.40Billy Boldon 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW20.00Shane Frey 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4225.80Shayde Tree Etherton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1444.40Jace Melvin 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1745.60Jason Thomas 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW28617.30Jacob D Edler 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1680.00Justin Shaffer 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2880.00Justice Johnson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW74.80Cody Devers 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2865.60Ty Garret Cochrane 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3170.00Nelson Wyatt 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1220.00Zach Peterson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1384.50Bridger Anderson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3415.90Walt Arnold 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW354.10Brady Dallin Reneau 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW20.00Andrew Galloway 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1380.00Sam Goings 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW690.00Sawyer Strand 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3315.30Riley Westhaver 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
SW250.00Logan Wiseman 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW138.70Logan Kenline 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3416.00Rooster Yazzie 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW12426.00Mason Owen Couch 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW697.90Colton Swearingen 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1379.20Zach Hamar 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3170.00Tyler W Ravenscroft 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1240.00Seth Peterson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2880.00Tyler Ross Scheevel 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1645.00Emmett D. Edler 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1526.20Sterling Lee Lee 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3515.30Trisyn H Kalawaia 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2244.60Darcy Kersh 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4625.80Quint Bell 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1445.20Garrett Oates 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW75.40Trace Harris 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW280.00Colten Eugene Leech 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3310.00Logan Thomas Mullin 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1095.80Jake Hayden Shelton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1376.00Ben At Mitchell 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1770.00Jacob Coleman Daniell 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW810.00JB Coxx 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1647.20Kyle Hash 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4615.90Cooper Ray Orr 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1777.60JD Robson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW10.00Kruz Lewis Conway 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1740.00Isaiah K Na'auao-Asing 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW390.00Jacob Luke Walters 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2245.80Rowdy Norwood 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW17610.80Jace Joos 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW354.60Slate Wiseman 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1800.00Quade William Potter 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW250.00Wyatt Scales 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4225.90Nathan Duvall 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW30613.90Cade Matthew Fedor 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW370.00Kix Douglas Fenton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3175.60Wade Steffen 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1224.60Matt Reeves 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1774.80Nick Guy 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW390.00Tait Joseph Kvistad 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW15412.30Trell Etbauer 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW250.00Gary Gilbert 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW42211.20Michael Bates Jr. 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW810.00Cimarron Thompson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW395.10Brady Buum 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW28810.40Cody Harmon 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1224.30Levi Rudd 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW16.30Billy Boldon 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW70.00Shane Frey 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1740.00Shayde Tree Etherton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW810.00Jace Melvin 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3510.00Jason Thomas 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1225.00Jacob D Edler 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4614.80Justin Shaffer 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW330.00Justice Johnson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1444.20Cody Devers 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4615.30Ty Garret Cochrane 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1645.10Nelson Wyatt 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1524.30Zach Peterson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW376.40Bridger Anderson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3066.00Walt Arnold 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW12425.40Brady Dallin Reneau 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
SW1680.00Andrew Galloway 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1775.80Sam Goings 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3417.10Sawyer Strand 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4614.20Riley Westhaver 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW20.00Logan Wiseman 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1767.10Logan Kenline 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW15.90Rooster Yazzie 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW16.40Mason Owen Couch 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW338.40Colton Swearingen 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1384.60Zach Hamar 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2240.00Tyler W Ravenscroft 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2240.00Seth Peterson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1545.90Tyler Ross Scheevel 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3065.00Emmett D. Edler 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1680.00Sterling Lee Lee 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1808.60Trisyn H Kalawaia 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1376.90Darcy Kersh 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW280.00Quint Bell 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW690.00Garrett Oates 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1546.90Trace Harris 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1525.10Colten Eugene Leech 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2860.00Logan Thomas Mullin 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3170.00Jake Hayden Shelton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW250.00Ben At Mitchell 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW354.60Jacob Coleman Daniell 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1380.00JB Coxx 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1765.90Kyle Hash 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW280.00Cooper Ray Orr 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4620.00JD Robson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1640.00Kruz Lewis Conway 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW4625.10Isaiah K Na'auao-Asing 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1524.20Jacob Luke Walters 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW35120.80Rowdy Norwood 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3514.40Jace Joos 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
SW2860.00Slate Wiseman 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW20.00Quade William Potter 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1800.00Wyatt Scales 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1096.90Nathan Duvall 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2880.00Cade Matthew Fedor 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW130.00Kix Douglas Fenton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3060.00Matt Reeves 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1646.30Nick Guy 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3516.00Trell Etbauer 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1388.60Michael Bates Jr. 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2860.00Brady Buum 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1775.40Cody Harmon 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1804.50Levi Rudd 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1440.00Billy Boldon 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW15.90Cody Devers 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3314.40Ty Garret Cochrane 3 X - The Cervi Brothers
SW4224.30Bridger Anderson 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1764.90Walt Arnold 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW377.60Riley Westhaver 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW2889.00Logan Kenline 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1686.00Rooster Yazzie 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1376.50Colton Swearingen 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW1540.00Zach Hamar 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW390.00Emmett D. Edler 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW3415.30Trisyn H Kalawaia 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW690.00Darcy Kersh 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SW10914.90Trace Harris 3 X - The Cervi Brothers
SW70.00Kyle Hash 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79410.80David Trahan 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79910.90Robert Mathis 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD55718.90Monty Lewis 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD9029.90Bradley Bynum 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7929.50Michael Otero 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD108.50Ryan Jarrett 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD70.00Trell Etbauer 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5758.40Shane Hanchey 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD55610.80Trent McDonald 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD10.00Blake Eggl 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD89.70Spence Barney 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9010.00Blake Ash 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD110.00Jake Booze 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD118.40Ryan Thibodeaux 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5829.50James Berry III 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7850.00J.D. McCuistion 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7970.00Richard Newton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD240.00Garrett Busby 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7800.00Landyn Duncan 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD150.00Justin Shaffer 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7790.00Kody Mahaffey 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD55810.00Brody Stallard 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD159.80Ross Tucker 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD90520.90Treg Schaack 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD2118.30Chris McCuistion 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD90410.10Lane Livingston 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD319.50Tate Teague 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7800.00Nelson Wyatt 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5840.00Brokk Baldwin 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7948.20Ty Harris 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9058.70Tanner Green 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7950.00Anthony Jordan 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD77923.40King Pickett 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD60.00Owen Wahlert 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79010.50Chantz Webster 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD2212.60Jase Staudt 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78513.00Paden Bray 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD58112.60Garrett Jacobs 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5930.00Dakota Felton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD80.00Word Hudson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD329.80Keid Williams 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD338.10J.T. Adamson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD29.50Tyler Boxleitner 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD50.00Luke Potter 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD914.60Sy Felton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD329.50Hagen Houck 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD1010.70Logan Wiseman 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78410.20Cash Fretwell 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD57510.30Zack Kirkpatrick 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5519.70Quade Hiatt 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5719.60Cash Enderli 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD77610.20Kater Tate 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5650.00Thane Lockhart 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7968.90Austin Lawrence 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD55210.50Kincade Henry 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9040.00Tate Matthew Thomas 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5550.00Kason Dyer 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7950.00Chet Weitz 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5588.90Titan Quigg 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7939.20Zane Kilgus 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD3318.60Riley Webb 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD3111.60Seth Peterson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5930.00Colton Burke Greene 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7868.10Riley Mason Webb 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5579.00Cash Edward Hooper 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD160.00Darcy Kersh 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD1412.20Walker Shane Akins 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD510.00Colten Wallis 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7847.80Dylan Hancock 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD239.60Cole Clemons 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD90110.90Quint Bell 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7980.00Joel Braden Harris 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78712.20Chisum Heath Allen 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5510.00Hayden Cole Ford 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD90014.70Nick Achille 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7918.60Pecos Tatum 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9029.30Clay McNichh McNichol 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78612.90Klay Kirkes 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD920.40Max Cameron Mathis 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD721.90Cash Fuesz 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD7768.00Bryce M Derrer 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5610.00Gio Piloto 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD160.00Dontae Pacheco 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD230.00Grant William Lindsley 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD110.00Roan Eugene Hudson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD215.30Jake Hayden Shelton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD57218.40Gator D Goodrich 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD55222.70Lane Alan Baker 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD350.00Dylan Ward Murphy 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79812.50Stetson Layne Jameson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD58424.50Kaleb Bedsole 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD5828.60Jacob Luke Walters 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD56511.00Cason Cross Kingsbury 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7910.00Colby Jet Holt 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78911.40Haze Patrick Wright 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD2419.70Daxton Hill 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD7930.00Paden Cash Belkham 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD311.60Tell Pinner 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD220.00Sam Lewis 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5720.00Shane Scott Smith 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7900.00Blaze Wyatt Byler 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD90316.70Nathan D Clawson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9039.80Coy Skocdopole 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7969.70Colton William Suther 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD60.00Chance Michael Fleming 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9009.30Jett Whitfield Barrett 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD210.00Kyan Wilhite 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5719.20Lane Eugene Webb 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9030.00David Trahan 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7760.00Robert Mathis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7848.60Monty Lewis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7930.00Bradley Bynum 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5729.60Michael Otero 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD119.70Ryan Jarrett 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD58118.60Trell Etbauer 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD5819.20Shane Hanchey 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9010.00Trent McDonald 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD20.00Blake Eggl 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78011.50Spence Barney 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7970.00Blake Ash 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78019.50Ryan Thibodeaux 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD5559.10James Berry III 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7940.00J.D. McCuistion 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD158.50Richard Newton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7799.70Landyn Duncan 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD511.50Justin Shaffer 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD810.10Kody Mahaffey 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7968.10Brody Stallard 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7850.00Ross Tucker 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD80.00Treg Schaack 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7970.00Chris McCuistion 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD98.20Lane Livingston 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD350.00Tate Teague 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5840.00Nelson Wyatt 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD160.00Brokk Baldwin 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD350.00Ty Harris 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5659.20Tanner Green 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7960.00Anthony Jordan 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5820.00King Pickett 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5560.00Owen Wahlert 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79211.40Chantz Webster 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7899.60Jase Staudt 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7869.70Paden Bray 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD248.50Garrett Jacobs 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD2120.40Word Hudson 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD110.40Keid Williams 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7799.20J.T. Adamson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD140.00Tyler Boxleitner 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD70.00Luke Potter 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD229.20Sy Felton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78417.80Hagen Houck 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD77618.80Logan Wiseman 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD7910.00Cash Fretwell 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5810.00Zack Kirkpatrick 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9037.50Quade Hiatt 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5610.00Cash Enderli 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7850.00Kater Tate 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD59311.10Thane Lockhart 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7899.30Austin Lawrence 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9040.00Kincade Henry 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5550.00Tate Matthew Thomas 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7970.00Kason Dyer 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD57112.20Chet Weitz 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD212.20Titan Quigg 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7919.30Zane Kilgus 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD230.00Riley Webb 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5510.00Seth Peterson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD57211.50Colton Burke Greene 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7898.70Riley Mason Webb 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7879.50Cash Edward Hooper 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5520.00Darcy Kersh 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7930.00Walker Shane Akins 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5759.40Colten Wallis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD109.00Dylan Hancock 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD1518.60Cole Clemons 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD79520.60Quint Bell 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD5588.50Joel Braden Harris 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5558.90Chisum Heath Allen 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD350.00Hayden Cole Ford 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD57511.10Nick Achille 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD168.50Pecos Tatum 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD58223.90Clay McNichh McNichol 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5520.00Klay Kirkes 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5848.50Max Cameron Mathis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD90.00Cash Fuesz 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5939.80Bryce M Derrer 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9020.00Gio Piloto 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD10.00Dontae Pacheco 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79911.30Grant William Lindsley 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5659.40Roan Eugene Hudson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD90411.80Jake Hayden Shelton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5610.00Gator D Goodrich 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD1411.50Dylan Ward Murphy 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD220.00Stetson Layne Jameson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD3110.00Kaleb Bedsole 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79911.70Jacob Luke Walters 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9020.00Cason Cross Kingsbury 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9010.00Colby Jet Holt 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7900.00Haze Patrick Wright 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9009.10Daxton Hill 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79210.60Paden Cash Belkham 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5570.00Tell Pinner 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD119.20Sam Lewis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9000.00Shane Scott Smith 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7870.00Blaze Wyatt Byler 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD318.60Nathan D Clawson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD50.00Coy Skocdopole 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5610.00Colton William Suther 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9050.00Chance Michael Fleming 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD328.80Jett Whitfield Barrett 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5560.00Kyan Wilhite 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79914.70Lane Eugene Webb 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7769.00Ryan Jarrett 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD320.00Shane Hanchey 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD56514.10Spence Barney 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7800.00James Berry III 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78721.00Brody Stallard 3 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD90010.50Lane Livingston 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD79614.30Tanner Green 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5570.00Garrett Jacobs 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5759.00Keid Williams 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
SR840.00Dane Noyce 1 - - Corey Ross
SR910.00Marty Jones 1 - - Corey Ross
SR9214.10Don Ed Eddleman 1 - - Corey Ross
SR11010.80Ora Taton 1 - - Corey Ross
SR11715.10Tony Reina 1 - - Corey Ross
SR60.00Kenyon Burns 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1611.40Mike Chase 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1250.00Martin Poindexter 1 - - Corey Ross
SR180.00Cody Lee 1 - - Corey Ross
SR9514.30Matt Davis 1 - - Corey Ross
SR11913.00Kim Ziegelgruber 1 - - Corey Ross
SR917.90Brian Garr 1 - - Corey Ross
SR5618.30Corey Ross 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1090.00Vin Fisher Jr. 1 - - Corey Ross
SR11612.40Chet Herren 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1314.40Ryan Rochlitz 1 - - Corey Ross
SR750.00Jess Tierney 1 - - Corey Ross
SR211.50Neal Wood 1 - - Corey Ross
SR250.00J. Tom Fisher 1 - - Corey Ross
SR800.00Coleman Proctor 1 - - Corey Ross
SR2217.40Chad Mathis 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1220.00Clay Long 1 - - Corey Ross
SR4616.50John Clark 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1212.60Wade Shoemaker D.V.M. 1 - - Corey Ross
SR290.00Trey Wallace 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1719.70Reo Lohse 1 X - Corey Ross
SR10214.90Tyler Hargrave 1 - - Corey Ross
SR190.00Josh Huntington 1 - - Corey Ross
SR270.00Will Tetrick 1 - - Corey Ross
SR620.00Kyle Cauthorn 1 - - Corey Ross
SR425.80Jase Johnson 1 - - Corey Ross
SR7611.60Seth Schafer 1 - - Corey Ross
SR9713.70Trenton L Johnson 1 - - Corey Ross
SR11111.50Tyler W Waters 1 - - Corey Ross
SR200.00Blake Ash 1 - - Corey Ross
SR610.00Ryan Willberg 1 - - Corey Ross
SR7414.50Shay Johnson 1 - - Corey Ross
SR6411.00Colt Williams 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1070.00Brodie Poppino 1 - - Corey Ross
SR110.40Thomas Smith 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1419.40Tanner Stec 1 - - Corey Ross
SR311.90Quay Howard 1 - - Corey Ross
SR5112.80Kelton McMillen 1 - - Corey Ross
SR870.00Nelson Wyatt 1 - - Corey Ross
SR7913.60Jake Cooper Clay 1 - - Corey Ross
SR699.00Cole Patterson 1 - - Corey Ross
SR880.00Dalton Walker 1 - - Corey Ross
SR670.00Cash Fretwell 1 - - Corey Ross
SR320.00Joby Mooney 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1040.00Trent Sorey 1 - - Corey Ross
SR4111.60Slade Wood 1 - - Corey Ross
SR10110.20Logan Cole Currie 1 - - Corey Ross
SR5425.00Micah L Northington 1 - - Corey Ross
SR8213.30Jarett McKade Holliday 1 - - Corey Ross
SR8615.50Ty Alan Williams 1 - - Corey Ross
SR2318.10Will Eddleman 1 - - Corey Ross
SR9922.70Chisum Heath Allen 1 X - Corey Ross
SR600.00David Witcher 1 - - Corey Ross
SR5210.50Riley O'Rourke 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1210.00John E. Bland 1 - - Corey Ross
SR716.20Tator Taton 1 - - Corey Ross
SR7213.20Billy Good 1 - - Corey Ross
SR530.90Nick Lay 1 X - Corey Ross
SR6624.20Jody Rowland 1 - - Corey Ross
SR530.00Tyler Sherrick 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1240.00Jacob Luke Walters 1 - - Corey Ross
SR80.00Tyler David Espenson 1 - - Corey Ross
SR2619.70Joseph Josh Allen 1 - - Corey Ross
SR550.00Frank Pohlmann 1 - - Corey Ross
SR1519.50Levi Campbell Gutierrez 1 - - Corey Ross
SR8511.20Jett Fisher 1 - - Corey Ross
SR2113.60Jate Remington Saults 1 - - Corey Ross
SR10611.40Seth Ross 1 - - Corey Ross
SR6837.20Jack Kyle Pullen 1 X - Corey Ross
SR150.00Dane Noyce 2 - - Corey Ross
SR9913.10Marty Jones 2 - - Corey Ross
SR4614.90Don Ed Eddleman 2 - - Corey Ross
SR2612.40Ora Taton 2 - - Corey Ross
SR860.00Tony Reina 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1316.50Kenyon Burns 2 - - Corey Ross
SR580.00Mike Chase 2 - - Corey Ross
SR11325.90Martin Poindexter 2 X - Corey Ross
SR2325.70Cody Lee 2 X - Corey Ross
SR140.00Matt Davis 2 - - Corey Ross
SR10711.30Kim Ziegelgruber 2 - - Corey Ross
SR11110.90Brian Garr 2 - - Corey Ross
SR910.00Corey Ross 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1220.00Vin Fisher Jr. 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1190.00Chet Herren 2 - - Corey Ross
SR520.00Ryan Rochlitz 2 - - Corey Ross
SR810.00Jess Tierney 2 - - Corey Ross
SR9813.60Neal Wood 2 - - Corey Ross
SR5311.30J. Tom Fisher 2 - - Corey Ross
SR10626.30Coleman Proctor 2 X - Corey Ross
SR1100.00Chad Mathis 2 - - Corey Ross
SR90.00Clay Long 2 - - Corey Ross
SR610.00John Clark 2 - - Corey Ross
SR314.20Wade Shoemaker D.V.M. 2 - - Corey Ross
SR5715.20Trey Wallace 2 - - Corey Ross
SR970.00Reo Lohse 2 - - Corey Ross
SR760.00Tyler Hargrave 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1170.00Josh Huntington 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1160.00Will Tetrick 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1210.00Kyle Cauthorn 2 - - Corey Ross
SR110.00Jase Johnson 2 - - Corey Ross
SR800.00Seth Schafer 2 - - Corey Ross
SR5611.40Trenton L Johnson 2 - - Corey Ross
SR640.00Tyler W Waters 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1815.60Blake Ash 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1250.00Ryan Willberg 2 - - Corey Ross
SR8812.60Shay Johnson 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1050.00Colt Williams 2 - - Corey Ross
SR2910.40Brodie Poppino 2 - - Corey Ross
SR7912.10Thomas Smith 2 - - Corey Ross
SR179.70Tanner Stec 2 - - Corey Ross
SR7411.50Quay Howard 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1040.00Kelton McMillen 2 - - Corey Ross
SR540.00Nelson Wyatt 2 - - Corey Ross
SR50.00Jake Cooper Clay 2 - - Corey Ross
SR19.50Cole Patterson 2 - - Corey Ross
SR7510.40Dalton Walker 2 - - Corey Ross
SR620.00Cash Fretwell 2 - - Corey Ross
SR724.20Joby Mooney 2 X - Corey Ross
SR870.00Trent Sorey 2 - - Corey Ross
SR850.00Slade Wood 2 - - Corey Ross
SR820.00Logan Cole Currie 2 - - Corey Ross
SR2518.20Micah L Northington 2 - - Corey Ross
SR2712.60Jarett McKade Holliday 2 - - Corey Ross
SR6014.00Ty Alan Williams 2 - - Corey Ross
SR2016.30Will Eddleman 2 - - Corey Ross
SR4110.40Chisum Heath Allen 2 - - Corey Ross
SR660.00David Witcher 2 - - Corey Ross
SR830.00Riley O'Rourke 2 - - Corey Ross
SR2112.00John E. Bland 2 - - Corey Ross
SR614.60Tator Taton 2 - - Corey Ross
SR10811.60Billy Good 2 - - Corey Ross
SR40.00Nick Lay 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1032.30Jody Rowland 2 X - Corey Ross
SR5115.80Tyler Sherrick 2 - - Corey Ross
SR8412.00Jacob Luke Walters 2 - - Corey Ross
SR10213.60Tyler David Espenson 2 - - Corey Ross
SR5521.60Joseph Josh Allen 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1240.00Frank Pohlmann 2 - - Corey Ross
SR80.00Levi Campbell Gutierrez 2 - - Corey Ross
SR950.00Jett Fisher 2 - - Corey Ross
SR10913.90Jate Remington Saults 2 - - Corey Ross
SR220.00Seth Ross 2 - - Corey Ross
SR7216.10Jack Kyle Pullen 2 - - Corey Ross
SR1070.00Dane Noyce 3 - - Corey Ross
SR5512.60Marty Jones 3 - - Corey Ross
SR10212.00Don Ed Eddleman 3 - - Corey Ross
SR790.00Ora Taton 3 - - Corey Ross
SR9812.00Tony Reina 3 - - Corey Ross
SR830.00Kenyon Burns 3 - - Corey Ross
SR11310.80Mike Chase 3 - - Corey Ross
SR5110.80Martin Poindexter 3 - - Corey Ross
SR6614.00Cody Lee 3 - - Corey Ross
SR840.00Matt Davis 3 - - Corey Ross
SR2216.10Kim Ziegelgruber 3 - - Corey Ross
SR8010.80Brian Garr 3 - - Corey Ross
SR520.00Corey Ross 3 - - Corey Ross
SR880.00Vin Fisher Jr. 3 - - Corey Ross
SR179.20Chet Herren 3 - - Corey Ross
SR270.00Ryan Rochlitz 3 - - Corey Ross
SR10527.30Jess Tierney 3 X - Corey Ross
SR920.00Neal Wood 3 - - Corey Ross
SR6521.50J. Tom Fisher 3 X - Corey Ross
SR140.00Coleman Proctor 3 - - Corey Ross
SR2012.50Chad Mathis 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1160.00Clay Long 3 - - Corey Ross
SR11721.70John Clark 3 X - Corey Ross
SR9913.50Wade Shoemaker D.V.M. 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1240.00Trey Wallace 3 - - Corey Ross
SR810.00Reo Lohse 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1040.00Tyler Hargrave 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1250.00Josh Huntington 3 - - Corey Ross
SR8224.70Will Tetrick 3 X - Corey Ross
SR680.00Kyle Cauthorn 3 - - Corey Ross
SR10612.90Jase Johnson 3 - - Corey Ross
SR8611.10Seth Schafer 3 - - Corey Ross
SR90.00Trenton L Johnson 3 - - Corey Ross
SR3212.60Tyler W Waters 3 - - Corey Ross
SR290.00Blake Ash 3 - - Corey Ross
SR530.00Ryan Willberg 3 - - Corey Ross
SR620.00Shay Johnson 3 - - Corey Ross
SR850.00Colt Williams 3 - - Corey Ross
SR540.00Brodie Poppino 3 - - Corey Ross
SR3611.00Thomas Smith 3 - - Corey Ross
SR4112.30Tanner Stec 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1312.70Quay Howard 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1220.00Kelton McMillen 3 - - Corey Ross
SR2624.30Nelson Wyatt 3 - - Corey Ross
SR40.00Jake Cooper Clay 3 - - Corey Ross
SR10812.00Cole Patterson 3 - - Corey Ross
SR811.60Dalton Walker 3 - - Corey Ross
SR5811.30Cash Fretwell 3 - - Corey Ross
SR910.00Joby Mooney 3 - - Corey Ross
SR50.00Trent Sorey 3 - - Corey Ross
SR7211.20Slade Wood 3 - - Corey Ross
SR10.00Logan Cole Currie 3 - - Corey Ross
SR570.00Micah L Northington 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1116.80Jarett McKade Holliday 3 - - Corey Ross
SR5611.10Ty Alan Williams 3 - - Corey Ross
SR870.00Will Eddleman 3 - - Corey Ross
SR2523.10Chisum Heath Allen 3 X - Corey Ross
SR950.00David Witcher 3 - - Corey Ross
SR769.20Riley O'Rourke 3 - - Corey Ross
SR11111.20John E. Bland 3 - - Corey Ross
SR2310.80Tator Taton 3 - - Corey Ross
SR9311.90Billy Good 3 - - Corey Ross
SR70.00Nick Lay 3 - - Corey Ross
SR970.00Jody Rowland 3 - - Corey Ross
SR210.00Tyler Sherrick 3 - - Corey Ross
SR4615.70Jacob Luke Walters 3 - - Corey Ross
SR6114.70Tyler David Espenson 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1210.00Joseph Josh Allen 3 - - Corey Ross
SR7412.20Frank Pohlmann 3 - - Corey Ross
SR180.00Levi Campbell Gutierrez 3 - - Corey Ross
SR12319.50Jett Fisher 3 - - Corey Ross
SR11010.00Jate Remington Saults 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1190.00Seth Ross 3 - - Corey Ross
SR1090.00Jack Kyle Pullen 3 - - Corey Ross
TD240.00J.T. Adamson 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5930.00Quade Hiatt 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD119.90Austin Lawrence 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD55511.00Titan Quigg 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD1611.30Zane Kilgus 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7997.30Riley Mason Webb 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD9040.00Cash Edward Hooper 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD5720.00Colten Wallis 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD58114.70Dylan Hancock 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7790.00Chisum Heath Allen 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD7868.40Pecos Tatum 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD518.40Bryce M Derrer 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TD78419.00Jacob Luke Walters 3 X - The Cervi Brothers
TD5580.00Jett Whitfield Barrett 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1930.00Tanner Green 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1930.00Walt Woodard 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1775.60Tyler Hobert 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1775.60Shannon Frascht 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1850.00Devon Clinton Johnson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1850.00Boogie Ray 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1330.00Todd Arthur 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1330.00Charles Henry 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR19110.50Manny Egusquiza Jr. 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR19110.50Eddie Medina 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1916.10Eric Martin 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1916.10Ryon Tittel 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1860.00Billy Bob Brown 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1860.00Josh Patton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1378.60Jake Cooper 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1378.60Cutter Pake Thomison 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR19610.70Jake Orman 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR19610.70Evan Arnold 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR20011.80Chris Francis 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR20011.80Cade Passig 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1836.00Casey Tew 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1836.00Cody Tew 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1814.80Colby Lovell 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1814.80Paul Eaves 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Payden Emmett 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Sergio O Gonzales 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1780.00Josh Huntington 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1780.00Blake Ash 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1790.00Cory Kidd V 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1790.00Dustin Davis 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1320.00Curry Kirchner 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1320.00Tyler McKnight 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1956.50Tyler W Waters 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1956.50Catcher Gasperson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1335.30Cody Carter 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1335.30Blake Bentley 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1805.70Joshua Torres 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1805.70Caleb Hendrix 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1360.00Chet Weitz 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1360.00Austin Reed Rogers 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR13212.30Clay Ullery 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR13212.30Tyce McLeod 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1940.00Riley Kittle 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1940.00Will Woodfin 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1817.00Lucas Screws 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1817.00Sid Cervantes 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Darcy Kersh 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Cody Devers 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR12610.00Zane Kilgus 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR12610.00Tator Taton 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1769.60Tyler W Tryan 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1769.60Wyatt Cox 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1970.00Forrest Fisher 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1970.00Caleb Lee Green 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1940.00Cody McCluskey 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1940.00Jace Davis 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1970.00Jr. Dees 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1970.00JC Flake 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1990.00J7 Bland 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1990.00Tyson Thompson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1290.00Nelson Wyatt 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1290.00Kade A Weatherman 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Justin Dean Smith 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Jorge Luis Cruz 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1370.00Robby LeFebre 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1370.00Joshua Casias 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR18816.10Jeff Flenniken 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR18816.10Jace Helton 1 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR1820.00J.C. Yeahquo 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1820.00Ross Ashford 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1354.90Brenten Hall 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1354.90Kaden Michael Profili 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1365.70Wyatt Dalton Bray 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1365.70Paden Bray 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1957.60John Wesley Sharp 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1957.60Garrett Jacobs 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1844.50Korbin Rice 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1844.50Clay Futrell 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1960.00Peyton Walters 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1960.00Reno Stoebner 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Dallas Owen 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Kaden Prince 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1936.70Cole Thomas 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1936.70L.J. Yeahquo 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1990.00Zane Murphy 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1990.00Colton Tate 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1985.70Kreece Thompson 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1985.70Cooper Matthew Freeman 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR2006.70Cash Duty 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR2006.70Cashton J Weidenbener 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Dylan Hancock 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Cole Clemons 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1905.70Kavis Johnathan Drake 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1905.70Denim Clinton Ross 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1890.00PJ Ramos 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1890.00Matt Garza 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1298.10Zane Michael Huffman 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1298.10Bryce Bunting 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1260.00Jett Stewart 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1260.00Zane James Pratt 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR18210.00Klay Donald Yaussi 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR18210.00Kash Richard Yaussi 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1856.00Clay McNichh McNichol 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1856.00Brock Preston Corman 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1880.00Colton D Wheeler 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1880.00Ty Daniel Haller 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1770.00Ryne Hutton 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1770.00Cody Lane Egusquiza 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1315.70Mason Taylor Rust 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1315.70Blake Walker 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Stefan Ramone 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00John Hisel 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1847.30Jacob Luke Walters 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1847.30Jeryn Thomas Ellerd 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Enrique Mendoza 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Diego Patricio Rolon 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR17913.90Isaac James Gholson 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR17913.90Tandon Kash Stockard 1 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1980.00Walker Bryce Smith 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1980.00Will D Smith 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1780.00Roan Chism Oldfield 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1780.00Creed Steele West 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1830.00Bubba Buckaloo 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1830.00Corey Hendrick 1 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1880.00Tanner Green 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1880.00Walt Woodard 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1317.20Tyler Hobert 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1317.20Shannon Frascht 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR19414.30Devon Clinton Johnson 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR19414.30Boogie Ray 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR1310.00Todd Arthur 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1310.00Charles Henry 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Manny Egusquiza Jr. 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Eddie Medina 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1760.00Eric Martin 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1760.00Ryon Tittel 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1930.00Billy Bob Brown 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1930.00Josh Patton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1800.00Jake Cooper 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1800.00Cutter Pake Thomison 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1279.50Jake Orman 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1279.50Evan Arnold 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1780.00Chris Francis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1780.00Cade Passig 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1956.10Casey Tew 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1956.10Cody Tew 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1845.70Colby Lovell 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1845.70Paul Eaves 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Payden Emmett 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Sergio O Gonzales 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1790.00Josh Huntington 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1790.00Blake Ash 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1894.60Cory Kidd V 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1894.60Dustin Davis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR13610.00Curry Kirchner 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR13610.00Tyler McKnight 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1815.20Tyler W Waters 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1815.20Catcher Gasperson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1910.00Cody Carter 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1910.00Blake Bentley 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1795.00Joshua Torres 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1795.00Caleb Hendrix 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1290.00Chet Weitz 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1290.00Austin Reed Rogers 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1760.00Clay Ullery 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1760.00Tyce McLeod 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Riley Kittle 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Will Woodfin 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR17611.70Lucas Screws 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR17611.70Sid Cervantes 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Darcy Kersh 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Cody Devers 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1970.00Zane Kilgus 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1970.00Tator Taton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1829.30Tyler W Tryan 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1829.30Wyatt Cox 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1950.00Forrest Fisher 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1950.00Caleb Lee Green 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR2009.40Cody McCluskey 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR2009.40Jace Davis 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1364.20Jr. Dees 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1364.20JC Flake 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1330.00J7 Bland 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1330.00Tyson Thompson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1935.10Nelson Wyatt 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1935.10Kade A Weatherman 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Justin Dean Smith 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Jorge Luis Cruz 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1960.00Robby LeFebre 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1960.00Joshua Casias 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1770.00Jeff Flenniken 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1770.00Jace Helton 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1974.20J.C. Yeahquo 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1974.20Ross Ashford 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR18015.50Brenten Hall 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR18015.50Kaden Michael Profili 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR1994.60Wyatt Dalton Bray 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1994.60Paden Bray 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1370.00John Wesley Sharp 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1370.00Garrett Jacobs 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR12610.00Korbin Rice 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR12610.00Clay Futrell 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1940.00Peyton Walters 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1940.00Reno Stoebner 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR13215.30Dallas Owen 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR13215.30Kaden Prince 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR19814.90Cole Thomas 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR19814.90L.J. Yeahquo 2 X - The Cervi Brothers
TR18419.40Zane Murphy 2 X X The Cervi Brothers
TR18419.40Colton Tate 2 X X The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Kreece Thompson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Cooper Matthew Freeman 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1776.30Cash Duty 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1776.30Cashton J Weidenbener 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Dylan Hancock 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Cole Clemons 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1836.20Kavis Johnathan Drake 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1836.20Denim Clinton Ross 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1800.00PJ Ramos 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1800.00Matt Garza 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1990.00Zane Michael Huffman 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1990.00Bryce Bunting 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Jett Stewart 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Zane James Pratt 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1960.00Klay Donald Yaussi 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1960.00Kash Richard Yaussi 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1880.00Clay McNichh McNichol 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1880.00Brock Preston Corman 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Colton D Wheeler 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Ty Daniel Haller 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR19120.70Ryne Hutton 2 X X The Cervi Brothers
TR19120.70Cody Lane Egusquiza 2 X X The Cervi Brothers
TR1980.00Mason Taylor Rust 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1980.00Blake Walker 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1334.20Stefan Ramone 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1334.20John Hisel 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1865.10Jacob Luke Walters 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1865.10Jeryn Thomas Ellerd 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR13713.20Enrique Mendoza 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR13713.20Diego Patricio Rolon 2 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Isaac James Gholson 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1280.00Tandon Kash Stockard 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1320.00Walker Bryce Smith 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1320.00Will D Smith 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1825.00Roan Chism Oldfield 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1825.00Creed Steele West 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1864.90Bubba Buckaloo 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1864.90Corey Hendrick 2 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1937.30Tyler Hobert 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1937.30Shannon Frascht 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Jake Orman 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1300.00Evan Arnold 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR19820.30Casey Tew 3 X X The Cervi Brothers
TR19820.30Cody Tew 3 X X The Cervi Brothers
TR1950.00Colby Lovell 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1950.00Paul Eaves 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1364.90Cory Kidd V 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1364.90Dustin Davis 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1890.00Tyler W Waters 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1890.00Catcher Gasperson 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR18214.30Joshua Torres 3 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR18214.30Caleb Hendrix 3 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR20014.60Lucas Screws 3 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR20014.60Sid Cervantes 3 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1810.00Tyler W Tryan 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1810.00Wyatt Cox 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1764.50Jr. Dees 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1764.50JC Flake 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1775.00Nelson Wyatt 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1775.00Kade A Weatherman 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1790.00J.C. Yeahquo 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1790.00Ross Ashford 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1967.20Brenten Hall 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1967.20Kaden Michael Profili 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR18311.20Wyatt Dalton Bray 3 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR18311.20Paden Bray 3 - X The Cervi Brothers
TR1789.90Korbin Rice 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1789.90Clay Futrell 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1975.90Cole Thomas 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1975.90L.J. Yeahquo 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1260.00Kreece Thompson 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1260.00Cooper Matthew Freeman 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1318.50Cash Duty 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1318.50Cashton J Weidenbener 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Kavis Johnathan Drake 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1350.00Denim Clinton Ross 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Mason Taylor Rust 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1900.00Blake Walker 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1846.40Stefan Ramone 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1846.40John Hisel 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Jacob Luke Walters 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1270.00Jeryn Thomas Ellerd 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1860.00Roan Chism Oldfield 3 - - The Cervi Brothers
TR1860.00Creed Steele West 3 - - The Cervi Brothers